
We have connected with Lemwell and Teresita Felicio, who have worked as missionaries in the Negros Island region of the Philippines for over 25 years.  For some time, Lem and Tess have worked to feed, house, and educate the homeless children of their community, working largely out of the basement of their home.  Under-development in the region has left orphaned and abandoned children with very little chance for protection or support.

These efforts served as the inspiration for Kid Castle International’s pilot project, a children’s home (often referred to as an orphanage) in the City of Bais, in the Negros Oriental province.  Work is already underway, with members of the community offering their support and taking on a sense of ownership in this future home for lost children.

Phase 1: Purchase the Land – $80,000 – COMPLETE!

The site has already been chosen.  Because the region is somewhat underdeveloped, there are no suitable existing buildings to renovate.  Therefore, through necessity and opportunity, we’ve located a site in the heart of Bais City.  The land is rough, but the well-placed, a short distance from Lem and Tess’ church and home.  A local man was even generous enough to clear the area and level it, free of charge.

Thanks in great part to the generosity of Kid Castle International supporters, we have been able to secure land for the children’s home.  What’s more, a member of the community on Negros donated his time and the equipment necessary to properly grade the land in preparation for Phase 2.  This moved us forward dramatically!

Phase 2: Build the Home – $200,000 – COMPLETE!

Over the years, Lem and Tess have pulled together a large and effective network of construction workers and suppliers who donate time and materials for the building of churches and other related needs.  This means that the 5,000 square foot children’s home can be built very inexpensively.

The building is already going through the architectural design process, and can be built in approximately 6 months once bricks, tile, and other supplies are paid for.

The Children’s home was built thanks to the support of Kid Castle International donors and the support and hard work of the people of Negros. Final government approvals are underway to open the home and care of orphans. Check out our News page for pictures of the finished project!

Phase 3: Launch the Business – $50,000

Each Kid Castle project is partnered with a local business, depending on the nature of the community, the profits from which pay for the ongoing needs of the home.

Funds for the business are allocated to the purchase and support of an existing local business or the establishment of a suitable new one.  Local managers will be mentored in business planning, marketing, accounting, and other vital components of successfully starting and running a thriving local business.  In this case, the business will be an adjacent apartment building that will generate ongoing revenue in the form of rent. Construction of this building is well underway. Check out our news page for updates!

Header image by Stefan Munder, licensed under Creative Commons.